Welcome to my Portfolio!
I am an IT student currently studying for a bachelor degree in Software Engineering at the Fontys Hogescholen Eindhoven with a specialization in Game Design & Technology. A passion of mine is to bring people together through games and I believe everyone should keep playing to keep their mind keen. Feel free to visit my LinkedIn or Itch.io accounts. Click here to open my CV in a new tab.
The projects that I have worked on so far.
Santa Sleigher
Santa Sleigher was a game I made in a team of 4 for the Yogscast Game Jam of 2020. The theme of the jam was: “Surprise”. Santa Sleigher is a singleplayer top down shooter where you have to stop the evil santa from wrecking the local mall and ruining Christmas. It’s a surprise what kind of weapon you’ll pick up and santa being evil should also be a surprise. The game was made in Unity.
Graduation Project – Unity UI Toolkit
For my graduation project I interned at Triangle Studios, due to an NDA I am not able to go fully into detail. For this project I worked on porting over a UI framework based on Unity GUI made by them over to Unity’s new UI Toolkit framework. For this I had to get accustomed to both their framework and UI Toolkit.
Populous: Reincarnated – Modding Projects
Populous: Reincarnated is an online community for the game Populous: The Beginning. For this version I am working on multiple projects. Some of these projects I work on alone and for some I work with other community members. Populous Reincarnated is a game from 1998 that is still being updated by the community, recently they added a Beta version that allowed cooperative play and 8 player multiplayer. With this Beta version they also added LUA modding support which I am working with.
Basic Information
Born in the Netherlands
Been on earth since the 23th of July 1998
Fluent in English/Dutch and know a bit of German
Good at finding solutions

Worked with HTML, CSS
C#, ASP.net, Java and Lua
Agile/Scrum development
Unity 3D
Audacity & Fmod Studio sound design
Blender modelling
Used some C++ for Arduino
Making awesome indie games
Making things work in games
Working out ideas for games
Gaming with my friends
Taking a walk outside
Reading fantasy books and immersing myself in new worlds
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