DeliV(e)R is a VR based game that I made together with a team of students as a school project for a client which was a company that combined fitness and games. DeliV(e)R is played on a custom fitness bicycle with an Oculus Rift and the sensors/buttons on the bicycle.The player can move by cycling and turn by pressing buttons on the handlebar.
What I worked on:
- Traffic AI
- Bicycle controls
- Concepting
- Testing the Oculus Rift
Focus of the project:
- Work closely with the client
- Work in a team of 6 students
- Combining VR, a physical controller and an Arduino
What I learned:
- How to work with an Oculus Rift
- Working closely with a client
- Agile SCRUM
PC build download Control with WASD and use Spacebar to throw packages at mailboxes marked on the minimap.