Design Challenge: “Can I make a cooperative game that makes players feel inclined to work together as a team that communicates strategies and an action plan which also gives a variety in tasks that the players have to manage together that can be used as a bonding experience for friends.”
Haters in a Lovely Timespace is a 4-player local co-op game where the players have to operate a spaceship together and destroy all the lovers assaulting their spaceship.
Below are all the deliverables and things I’ve worked on during this project:
- Inspiration
- Paper Prototyping
- Unity player movement prototype
- Workshop – Game Design
- Workshop – Game Play Design, Mechanics/Dynamics/Aesthetics
- Workshop – Flow, level design, feedback & balancing
- Game Design Document
- User Test: Controls
- Level Design – Analysis
- Level Design – Design
- Level Design – User Test
- User Tests – Industry Project
- The Game