For my inspiration & challenges I looked at some games that either have melee fighting incorporated in their design or the focus of the game is fighting enemies in melee. From this inspiration I drew some challenges and skills I want to learn during the minor.
Below is the build of the latest version of the game. The game is made with all my previous work in mind and it would not have been completed without the analysis and design done beforehand.
For our industry project for Game Solutions Lab I also conducted user tests with another group member. For these user tests I helped set up the documents defining what we want to learn and test and I also communicated with our contact person at a nursery home. We decided to try and test our game …
To test the level I set up a small test with 4 players and allowed them to play through the game by themselves. The details of the test are explained in the PDF above. Before setting up the user test I tested with two controllers if everything worked and apart from one small bug that …
Above is the final level design of the first level. This was thought out with help of the research done beforehand and will be implemented into the game. The PDF below explains my thought process and what all the parts in the level are for. To see if the level is good I will test …
The first level I made was shabby and not well thought out. This was because I did not know exactly what makes a good level. I drew a quick design of the level. After this first design I was running into a lot of problems with implementing all the features on time, so for the …
To check if I implemented the controls correctly and if my users find these controls intuitive and easy to use I set up a small user test. For this user test I would be watching closely what they would do during the test. This user test would have validated the implementation of the controls, but …
The Game Design Document is used to convey the idea and design of the game. This document is a product of my thought process while making up the design of the game and it explains the idea of the game. With the help of the workshops I put together all the parts of this document …
During this workshop I made the flow, level design, feedback and thought of the balancing of my game. Everything was documented in the PDF above. I learned how important a good flow is to keep players interested in the game. This workshop also taught me how imporant it is to give the players feedback of …
During this workshop I made a PDF, documenting everything I worked on. I learned what mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics are and how they define a game. This workshop helped me define my game through making mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics. I also defined the components that will be used in levels, thought of the input buttons …